比賽 線上活動


2022.10.21 截止報名




繪本主題 (二選一)

  1. 九龍城與泰國文化
  2. 九龍城與潮州文化


  • 徵件日期:2022 年 9 月 1 日 至 2022 年 10 月 21 日
  • 結果公佈:2022 年 12 月上旬


  • 18或以上人士 ( 歡迎各大專院校學生報名參加)


  • 獲選插畫師 (兩名):Apple Gift Card $5,000 及 繪本出版與發行



參加者需在限期內填妥網上參加表格(Google form Link: https://forms.gle/G7mSSyvo2vMt5LEx5 ) ,並在表格內上以下檔案  :

  1. 個人履歷*
  2. 個人作品集* (內含最少3份作品,電繪、手繪不限)
  3. 對指定繪本主題的創作意念、故事大綱及設計草圖*:不少於100字,電繪、手繪不限
  4. 對指定繪本主題的見解及相關經歷:不少於100字,中英文不限
  5. 對社區繪本的期望與想像:不少於100字,中英文不限





  • 主題內容及意念 – 35%
  • 插圖視覺美感 – 25%
  • 繪本大綱 – 20%
  • 個人創作能力及經驗- 10%
  • 創意及獨特性 – 10%


3183 0928 / kctwt@skhwc.org.hk


  1. 每位參加者只可遞交一份申請,遞交多於一份或不完整申請將作棄權論。
  2. 逾期遞交、與招募作品之檔案格式不符(超出檔案大小上限 / 使用PDF、PNG、JPEG以外的檔案格式)、填報資料失實者及資料不完整者恕不受理。
  3. 參加者必須以個人為單位,不得以團體名義參加。
  4. 參加申請一經遞交,不可作任何修改、調換或要求退還作品。
  5. 提交的作品須為參者本人之原創作品。嚴禁抄襲、仿冒、頂替或由他人代筆,若經工作人員或第三方檢舉,經查證屬實者,將被取消資格。
  6. 參賽作品內容如抵觸任何法例,一切法律責任將由參賽者承擔,「躍變.龍城——九龍城主題步行徑」(下稱:本機構)概不負責。參作品不可以含有不雅、暴力、違反香港法例或具爭議性之內容。如有違規,本機構有權立即取消申請或得獎資格。 
  7. 本機構將擁有最後成品永久使用權,包括但不限於修改、複製、印刷、公開展覽、手機應用程式、網頁、社交媒體及/或其他媒體登載作宣傳及推廣等非商業用途。被選取之作品的所有圖檔需交予本機構,本機構有權對有關作品作出修訂、翻譯、改編、使用、複製及派發全部或部分內容而毋須事先取得參加者的同意或向其支付任何版權費用。
  8. 作品集及草圖創作媒介不拘(包括但不限於電繪、手繪、拼貼、顏料、iPad繪圖等),但必須為平面作品。
  9. 本機構評審團將評選提案作品並擁有最終決定權,參加者不得異議。
  10. 所有獎品不能更改、退換或兌換現金。
  11. 獲選者必須於指定日期及地點領取獎品。獲選者有機會被要求拍攝照片、出席頒獎禮及其他活動作為本機構宣傳相關活動之用,不得異議。
  12. 參加者須確保所有填寫的資料均為真實和正確。若所遞交的資料有錯漏或不正確,以致本機構未能聯絡入圍者進行面試,其入圍資格將被取消。本機構不會對此作出任何形式的賠償。
  13. 是次活動提供的個人資料只用作插畫師招募、聯絡及安排領獎用途。
  14. 者必須細閱所有有關資料、條款及細則。遞交作品即表示已同意遵守和接納是次所有條款及細則。
  15. 本機構有權保留解釋及隨時修訂以上活動章程及參賽規則,而毋須事先通知,有關詳情請留意本機構網頁及Facebook專頁。
  16. 如有任何爭議,本機構保留最終決定權。


Illustrator Recruitment for Kowloon City Thai and Teochew Culture Picture Book
Commonly known as “Little Thailand” and “Little Teochew”, Kowloon City boasts a settlement of Teochew people whose history can be traced back as early as half a century ago. An influx of Thai also arrived in the 1990s, making a living by running restaurants and grocery stores. They celebrate hometown traditions by holding festivals such as Songkran in April and Yu Lan Festival during the seventh lunar month, creating a rich Thai-Teochew vibe that spreads through every corner in the neighbourhood. Kowloon City is still a popular hangout among Hongkongers for a gastronomy treasure hunt, where one can find authentic Thai and Teochew dishes, Teochew traditional pastries and spices directly imported from Thai. The integrated Thai and Teochew culture has become a distinctive feature of the area.
Launched in 2020, the Kowloon City Walking Trail Community Picture Book Series consists of three main chapters: Kowloon City, To Kwa Wan and Hung Hom. It aims to present the history and culture of the Kowloon City district in a way that children and their parents find easy to understand. The series now comprises five titles.
The development of Kowloon City is inextricably intertwined with the Thai and Teochew culture, from which many intriguing stories have derived. To bring the imagination and creativity to a higher level in terms of visuals and stories, as well as to connect with the local community, we are now opening the position of illustrator to the public for the first time, in search of proposals that are able to present the Thai and Teochew stories with attractive text and illustration. We will shortlist two finalists to work with and their works will be published and distributed in the form of picture books after revision. If you are a creator with excellent illustration skills and strong interest in Kowloon City’s history and culture, reach us with your proposal and personal portfolio!
Details and Submission: https://forms.gle/G7mSSyvo2vMt5LEx5
Submission Date: 1 Sep 2022 to 21 Oct 2022
Result Announcement: Dec 2022
Prize for Finalists
The two shortlisted illustrators will receive Apple Gift Card worth of HK$5000 each and their works will possibly be published and distributed as picture books.
*The prize will be given after the picture book is revised and completed.
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