
1. The applicant’s name must be the same as shown on HKID card. Our staff has the right to ask successful applicants to show their proof of identity for checking. Personal Octopus and student card are accepted.
2. Successful applicants will be notified by WhatsApp or email. Applicants who are not contacted within 14 working days may assume their applications unsuccessful.
3. Each person can register only once. Participants will be disqualified automatically if more than one registration is received.
4. It will be an outdoor activity that requires certain physical strength. Participants are recommended to bring energy food and water, mosquito repellent. Please also pay attention to weather and your own physical condition.


(a) 如導賞團/活動於戶外進行,請自備糧水,並留意個人體力和天氣變化。
(b) 請支持街坊小店;尊重社區草木磚瓦;切勿亂拋垃圾;促進社區關係。
(c) 本中心保留使用所有活動的相片、錄影及/或錄音記錄作宣傳用途的權利,直至閣下以書信通知而止。
(d) 本中心有權取消、順延或更改活動地點、日期、時間及酌情決定拒絕個別人士參加上述活動。如有任何爭議,本中心擁有最終決定權。
「躍變.龍城」九龍城主題步行徑 (下簡稱: 步行徑) 會收集你的姓名、聯絡電話號碼和電郵地址。上述個人資料只會由本中心處理,將用作文書報告及步行徑活動推廣。除非我們已取得你的同意,否則我們不會使用任何個人資料。 你有權查閱及改正步行徑所持關於你的個人資料。如你希望查閱或改正你的個人資料,請致電3183 0928或電郵至kctwt@skhwc.org.hk。






我們已收到你的報名申請,我們將會以抽籤形式選出參加者。中籤者將會收到電話WhatsApp 或 電郵通知。所有活動均設候補名額,若參加者未能於限期內回覆是否出席當天的活動,其名額將由後補人士補上。如有任何查詢,可電郵至 kctwt@skhwc.org.hk或致電 3183 0928 與步行徑職員聯絡。

We have received your application. Participants will be selected through a lottery system. Those selected will be notified via phone, WhatsApp, or email. There is a waitlist available, and if participants do not respond within the specified timeframe, their spot will be given to a backup candidate. For any inquiries, please email kctwt@skhwc.org.hk or call 3183 0928 to contact our staff.



我們已收到你的報名申請,我們將會以抽籤形式選出參加者。中籤者將會收到電話WhatsApp 或 電郵通知。所有活動均設候補名額,若參加者未能於限期內回覆是否出席當天的活動,其名額將由後補人士補上。如有任何查詢,可電郵至 kctwt@skhwc.org.hk或致電 3183 0928 與步行徑職員聯絡。

We have received your application. Participants will be selected through a lottery system. Those selected will be notified via phone, WhatsApp, or email. There is a waitlist available, and if participants do not respond within the specified timeframe, their spot will be given to a backup candidate. For any inquiries, please email kctwt@skhwc.org.hk or call 3183 0928 to contact our staff.
